I am asking about this problem here because I know this is where the most 
knowledge is.

I have a TS-890S and use the USB Audio Codec. When I first got it about a year 
ago I was losing audio after 20-30 mins or so. So I checked the power 
management settings for both the OS and the individual USB hubs in Windows 10 
device manager. The drivers indicate S0 which I understand means no power 
management. I also found that it was important to select the left audio 
channel. I have had 1 year of trouble free operation.

I am using Omnirig for radio control which appears to work as expected.

Now the problem has returned. The input meter works but the waterfall stops and 
so do the decodes.
Merely toggling the monitor button restores the waterfall and decoder. So it 
must be the audio stream.

The power management settings are the same as they were, I checked them all 

I recently added an FDM-S3 and the FDM-SW2 which uses virtual audio, however 
the problem occurs even when the S3 is powered down and the USB3 cable is 
disconnected. There is no audio transport on this device, the audio comes from 
the software.

When I am actually operating and going from TX to RX there does not seem to be 
any problem at all, only when I am monitoring on RX. Incidentally the problem 
occurs (unsurprisingly) with JTDX as well, which I use on 6m exclusively.

Anybody got any ideas what else I can do? Is there some debug function that I 
can use to help with diagnostics?


Conrad PA5Y
wsjt-devel mailing list

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