SSB may be suppressed carrier but is NOT MFSK.

CW, Phone, and Digital are 3 separate modes.
CW -- we want carrier because we set our own tone offset.  You still have to 
look at where they have their tone offset.
Phone -- suppressed carrier -- tone offset does not matter at all so your 
comparison between voices is meaningless.
Digital -- we need need the "real" transmit frequency -- i.e. the tone offset.  
If you have a rig with 2400Hz bandpass and you see 14.074 but the are at 2800Hz 
you will never hear them.  But if they are spotted at 14.076800 you should be 
able to figure out you can hear them at 14.076.

We've been reporting the tone offset in WSJT-X for years and this is the 1st 
complaint anybody's made.

All the PSK, RTTY, and other digital modes also report the offset and you have 
to figure out where to set your frequency to hear them.

e.g. K8R is being spotted on 14.091750 -- let's see now...maybe 14.091 might 

e.g. I see you (N0AN) on 50261.47 -- I'll bet 50261.0 will work to hear you.  
You may be set on 50260 or even 50259 and it doesn't matter to me at all.
Let's say you were 1KHz higher 50262.47 -- 50262 would let me hear you.

Not that hard....

Mike W9MDB

On Tuesday, July 30, 2024 at 10:10:46 AM CDT, Andy Durbin via wsjt-devel 
<> wrote: 


"So for computer control, it is much better to not include the offset in the
frequency in the you don't have to do math in your head or guess
at the offsets, for your vfo to be set to the proper freq.

73, N0AN"

I am in complete agreement with this.

I would also add that it is not correct to log the QSO frequency with the tone 
offset included.  If you work an SSB phone QSO with an operator with a bass 
voice and  then work the same station with his 11 year old daughter on the mic 
do you log different frequencies for the two QSO?

The logged frequency and the spotted frequency should always be the suppressed 
carrier frequency.


Andy, k3wyc

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