# from Luis Araujo
# on Monday 17 March 2008 23:46:

>It's good to see the Perl foundation participating on GSoC this year.
>I was glancing over the ideas page, and I am very interested on the
>idea of developing a GUI for CPAN/CPANPLUS.

>I don't see any mentor listed, so I wanted to ask you who should I
>probably contact.

Hi Luis,

I may be it if you are using Wx, but joining wxperl-users@perl.org would 
be a good first step.  I'm CC'ing them to see if anyone might be 
interested in mentoring.

Given that I'm the point-man for the whole organization, I might get so 
busy that I can't mentor.

>Besides that , I see you are proposing to use Wx or a Catalyst
> back-end , and I personally would be interested
>on using Gtk+2

I would question the deployment and usability of that on Windows and/or 
OS X.  We can assume strawberry perl is installed on Windows, but the 
Gtk libraries would have to ship with it (and yes, the Wx libraries 
have to ship with it everywhere, but at least it comes out as native 
widgets.)  On OS X, does Gtk require X?  That might be a deal-breaker.

That said, if Gtk works then ok.  I think the concepts of Wx are 
similar, but I've done much more Wx than Gtk.

Introducing change is like pulling off a bandage: the pain is a memory
almost as soon as you feel it.
--Paul Graham

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