I actually started already. Well, I *actually* started sometime in the
reign of Elizabeth I, but I started again now. I've been wanting to get
this stuff straight in my head for a long time, so it seems like a good
way to stay out of trouble for a while.

I'll post drafts for community feedback soon.

On 2016-01-05 10:58, Ron Grunwald wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> Really good to hear that you have previous experience with authoring
> a book. I think to some extent it'll be up to the wxperl community
> if they think writing a "Learning WxPerl" book is worth the effort.
> Personally I feel its a good idea and a good way to promote wxperl.
> Perhaps once the team of admins for "wxperl.it" has been decided,
> we could look at planning the design of the book with a view of
> utilising existing published material as much as possible.
> Kind Regards.
> ________________________________________
> Ron Grunwald
> ron...@yahoo.com.au
> http://www.dvlcorner.org
> On 4/01/16 7:33 PM, "Michael Roberts" <mich...@vivtek.com> wrote:
>> And I also offered, last week. I use wxPerl very sporadically, but when
>> I do it's what I use for GUI work.
>> I would also not be averse to putting together a book. I've done it
>> before; I can do it again.
>> On 2016-01-04 12:05, Johan Vromans wrote:
>>> On Mon, 04 Jan 2016 08:28:37 +0100
>>> Erik Colson <e...@ecocode.net> wrote:
>>>> What do you mean by "take care" ?
>>>> I can think of these:
>>>> - pay for the domain name
>>>> - get a new host, and pay for it
>>>> - maintain the wiki database (whatever that includes)
>>> Exactly.
>>> There's www.wxPerl.org that redirects to wxPerl.it.
>>> wiki.wxPerl.org redirects to wiki.wxPerl.it redirects to wiki.wxPerl.nl.
>>> wxPerl.nl is registered by and hosted on a server by the Dutch Perl
>>> Foundation (SPPN). FWIW, I maintain wxPerl.nl and the wiki.
>>> I agree with Steve that a (small) team of people is required. Initially,
>>> this was Mark Dootson, Mattia Barbon, and me. Mark has disappeared
>>> (although he occasinally posts a patch, he doesn't respond to offers of
>>> help and other email anymore. Worse, he has abandoned Cava and Citrus just
>>> before he would release the open source versions). Mattia I do not know,
>>> and I personally want to step a bit back for the reasons I mentioned in my
>>> original post.
>>> I do have the access codes for web sites, DNS, wiki, and so on.
>>> If Steve, Eric and James want to team up, you have my blessing and support.
>>> -- Johan
>>>    http://johan.vromans.org/seasons_greetings.html

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