John A. Sullivan III schreef:
> Hello, all.  Amidst our very successful testing of X2Go, we came across
> a permissions issue.  Our environment sets a default umask of 007 rather
> than the standard 022.  This was honored in our NoMachine environment.
> However, we recently started having access control issues where users
> could not edit each others' documents.  Sure enough, the default rights
> were rw_r__r__ rather than rw_rw____.  We checked our /etc/profile file
> in case something had changed and it is still a umask of 007.  We did a
> direct ssh and touched a file and it gave correct rw_rw____ rights so it
> appears to be something specific to X2Go.  From where does X2Go
> configure its bash environment?
> We are using Hardy on the X2Go server (in process of transitioning to
> Lenny) and Lenny on the X2Go Client.  Thanks - John

What you can do is not starting Gnome or KDE, but start a script. In
that script you can set the environment like the umask and you start
Gnome or KDE. Something like this:

umask 0002
export TESTVAR=test21
. ~/.gnomerc

with regards,
Paul van der Vlis.


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