On Wed, 22 Sep 2010, Jörg Sawatzki wrote:

This article was not approved / written by the x2go-devs!
Does that change the fact that the binaries are available on a public
server for everybody?

no -- not unless the distributor is not the author (i.e., not the person entitled to assert a 'copyright') of the code in question -- the GPLv2 is a license that covers NON-creators ... and terms of distribution by non-authors

Listen, I downloaded the x2goplugin from plugin.x2go.org - so the guys
behind plugin.x2go.org are required by license to give me the sources if
I ask for it! That has nothing to do with the fact who has written the
article on linux magazine!

The license may not apply -- this remains to be seen, does it not?

Reading I see: "notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed" --- "may be" is not exclusive as to "must only be" distributed under that license; it is stating a permissive way to distribute, and for a non-author (a distributor) to properly be protected from assertions of a copyright infringement by the initial authors, via that license fixing certain terms

Did the authors holding the copyright receive some 'thing of value' from you that is 'consideration' underlying formation a contract requiring them to deliver something to you. If they are the creators of the code, they can be as stingy and slow as they wish as to releasing sources as they wish, unless you have some contractual right to get at their properly (again, the g p LICENSE is a license applying to persons DISTRIBUTING binaries derived from sources [but who are not the copyright holder]

All that said, the internet has created a great sense of entitlement in many people --- yelling loudly (and starting a conversation with acusations) seems counter-productive

If the authors need help publishing sources, they may contact me out of band, and I'll be happy to assist with resources to get a public archive up and running

-- Russ herrold
X2go-dev mailing list

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