Hi Russ,

> Did the authors holding the copyright receive some 'thing of 
> value' from you that is 'consideration' underlying formation a 
> contract requiring them to deliver something to you.  If they 
> are the creators of the code, they can be as stingy and slow 
> as they wish as to releasing sources as they wish, unless you 
> have some contractual right to get at their properly (again, 
> the g p LICENSE is a license applying to persons DISTRIBUTING 
> binaries derived from sources [but who are not the copyright 
> holder]
True! Heinz and Alex distribute plugin binaries that contain GPLed
NoMachine libraries - and as they are both not holding the copyright of
that code, they cannot simply publish it under some other (proprietary)
license. They can distribute their own code under a commercial license,
but then they could not integrate it with NX and their stuff would be
So, after all: Sources need to be published with any binary if they are
built from only a single line of thrid-party code where you don't have
the copyright!

Anyway, seems like the source thing is quite clear now and they seem to
have published it.

> If the authors need help publishing sources, they may contact 
> me out of band, and I'll be happy to assist with resources to 
> get a public archive up and running
I offered that more than two months ago. As I really have paying
customers who want me to contribute, fix things, make extensions for
x2go. It seems they don't want help. Or everything else is more
important than honoring the work of their community. 

If you want to get forward with it, fork it like I did with my pyx2go
client, host it on github and be independent. Setting up a repository
there is a lot faster than waiting for months.


> -- Russ herrold
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