Dear Jörg,

Am Freitag, den 24.09.2010, 16:03 +0200 schrieb Jörg Sawatzki:

> if I download a tarball every night and put it into some git repository,
> the whole thing is useless.
> How do you expect us to work with code and track bugs if we do not have
> a source tree with concrete revisions?


if I understood Oleksandr correctly he (unfortunately) does not use Git
for his development work. If I am not mistaken from a talk with Heinz he
is using Subversion/SVN. But besides that I do not know anything about
Heinz’ or Oleksandr’ development setup at all.


> It's sad that we have all this trouble and so much ideas and innovation
> and energy gets lost because you cannot take those two minutes to get
> your stuff (and commit history!) into a repo as paul suggested.

Maybe we can start from the latest source tarball. And if there is a
chance to get the commit history we can add it later by rebasing, if
that is possible.

Although it is not optimal I hope this will be at least a something to
start from.

Matthew offered already his help in the thread »Git Repo«. I would
suggest to wait until Monday, so people have time to catch up with the
messages and to voice their opinion.


> I am moving on to some other project, I have done all I could do for
> you. And I am out of energy.

I would regret this very much. After all these discussion and sadly
unlovely debate, we all have one goal after all. Jörg, I hope you can
wait until Monday or Tuesday or if you agree with Matthew answer to him,
that you would approve his proposal.

I know after reading all these messages it seems impossible, but I wish
that everybody will show what strong and great characters they have and
get their acts together and collaborate in the future. If that happens,
this would in the end even turn this debate into something good.

(And we are no girls, right. So we can be friends after an argument. ;-) ¹)



¹ To all females reading this, please do not take offense. It is meant
as a joke and is just based on silly prejudices. Your participation in
the X2go project is needed too!

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