Am 24.09.2010 10:50, schrieb Paul Menzel:

Hello Paul,

It is a great Idea. And I don't see how can we deny someone to do this
thing if we don't want it. X2Go is Open Source project and anyone can
download all our sources from their location and clone them into GIT. If
there is anyone, who will administrate this GIT well, we will definitive
upload all our sources in it. But we will although install our GIT,
which only represent the structure of
as we promised. It will great if someone can hold all X2Go stuff from us
and other people in one place. It will help us although to integrate
changes made from other people in mainstream. We will never deny someone
to do this even if we can. But we cannot and don't want to deny this.

I don't know who should to do this job. This is a choice of community,
maybe per election.

> Dear Heinz,
> Am Freitag, den 24.09.2010, 07:26 +0200 schrieb Heinz-M. Graesing:
> […]
>> Please have a look on the list again. There where Things to do first:
>> * recreation (vacation)
> thank you for your response. I hope you could enjoy your vacation and
> also relax a little to get new energy to do more great stuff.
>> * protection of the project (more than one person claims the domain)
>> * protection of our reputation (let our attorney work on the acuses)
> I am sorry that you have to deal with this unfortunate stuff.
>> Again - the git repo is on our todo list. But all source code is and was
>> all the time published (as dh_make ready tarballs, which are still
>> wanted by other people).
> Could I propose the following intermediate solution?
> Could you let Jörg (or someone else) set up the Git repository, so
> people can base their patches on their and publish their own branches.
> 1. I am sure that the person hosting this branch can display a message
> in the description stating that this is an intermediate solution. So
> when you are done setting up your Git server or the solution to your
> liking things can be moved and the location of the “master” Git
> repository be documented.
> 2. I guess, you have some branches in your repository you do not want to
> publish. And maybe you also want to go over the history if there are
> confidential things in there. If so, I am sure there is a way to just
> publish your “public branch”. I would propose the following but I am
> sure there are better or more convenient ways.
>         $ cd /tmp/
>         $ git clone /path/to/your/project
>         $ cd name-of-cloned-project
>         $ git branch -a
>         $ git branch -D names-of-branch-not-to-be-published # repeat as often 
> as you need
>         $ cd ..
>         $ 7z a -t7z -m0=lzma -mx=9 -mfb=64 -md=32m -ms=on x2go-branch.7z 
> name-of-cloned-project
> Send that branch to the person you want to set up the Git repository.
> You can also ask him to review the history first and to amend commits
> which have inappropriate commit messages.
> Or the other repository gets set up and you are asked to push the
> appropriate branches there.
>         $ git remote add intermediate <URL>
>         $ git push intermediate local-to-be-published-branch-name:master
> 3. I guess for this intermediate time you could also state if you want
> the Git administrator set up commit rights to a development or testing
> branch. So people can push there changes to these branches to get them
> tested. Later you can easily cherry pick the commits you want to have in
> X2go for sure.
> Sorry for this long message and for bothering you again. I hope this is
> a good compromise. Probably it is better suited for a Wiki page, but I
> hope everyone behaves and will keep this thread easily understandable.
> If someone can think of a better proposal, please write it down and
> Heinz and Oleksandr can choose what fits best for them, if they accept
> this compromise.
> Maybe volunteers for setting up and maintaining that intermediate
> repository can state that again by answering to this message.
> Thanks,
> Paul
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Oleksandr Shneyder
Dipl. Informatik
X2go Core Developer Team


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