On Fri, 2011-01-28 at 13:47 +0100, Oleksandr Shneyder wrote:
> Hello list,
> I've made some tests on Windows XP and Windows 7 to see if Xming can be
> replaced with VcXsrv.
> The reasons to do this are:
> 1. VcXsrv is based on actual Xorg (7) git sources.
> 2. VcXsrv is licensed under GPL
> 3. Xming seems to have some bugs and based on old Xorg (6) sources.
> Newer Xming versions are based on Xorg (7) but the license is not open.
> The good news about our tests are:
> 1. VcXsrv in window mode (fixed size window with decorations) is working.
> 2. VcXsrv in rootless mode (fixed size window without decorations) is
> working too.
> 3. VcXsrv in fullscreen mode is also working.
> This was only a short test so nothing can be said about the stability of
> VcXsrv yet.
> The not so good news:
> 1. VcXsrv crashes in multi-window mode during the start of x2goagent (it
> seems to work by resuming of x2goagent or in single-application mode).
> 2. VcXsrv is crashing or working incorrectly by reparrenting of
> x2goagent window (embedding in other window) in multi-window mode.
> 3. VcXsrv is working incorrectly when the user wants to resize a window
> in multi-window mode on Windows XP.
> Conclusion:
> 1 - If we replace Xming by VcXsrv on Windows, it won't be possible to
> resize the x2gosession window using mouse. You can set window geometry
> in settings of x2goclient - these will be set for the whole connection
> time. If you want to change this geometry, you' need to reconnect to
> your session.
> 2 - We can not use VcXsrv for the x2goplugin at the moment, embedding in
> browser will not work.
> Because of this two reasons we can't completely replace Xming with
> VcXsrv at the moment. I think, the issue named above must be fixed in
> code of VcXsrv. At least next two month I'll have no time to do this. If
> anybody is able to work on such a patch - please feel invited! Maybe it
> is also a good idea to contact the developers and ask if they have ideas
> how complex such a patch needs to be (John?).
> What we can do now:
> - Wait until this issues will be fixed
> or
> - We can provide x2goclient installer with VcXsrv (no resizing of DE and
> buggy resizing of single applications on windows xp), but x2goplugin
> with Xming
> or
> - We can provide x2goclient with Xming, but make it configurable to
> launch other Xserver.
> Please give us your opinion!
Hi, Alex.  Delighted to hear of the progress.  I'll defer to Phil for
sharing his testing results regarding stability and resizing.  We'd be
very happy to communicate with the vcxsrv devs about what we have
collectively found.

I'm very concerned about the inability to use it with the plugin (we did
not have the knowledge to test that ourselves).  What is the likelihood
of that becoming possible?

Regarding the options, Phil and I have put some thought into the user
interface.  Please take these as suggestions rather than mandates - they
are simply phrased as specs :)  I would suggest the installer have
options for Xming and vcxsrv with a sensible default - probably Xming
until the issues with vcxsrv are resolved. There might even be a short
note under the vcxsrv option to say that it is experimental.  It should
be possible to uncheck both options and install X2Go Client without an X
Server (for those who already have their own).

The X2Go Client interface, as opposed to the installer, should have
QRadioButton options to use Xming, vcxsrv, or other with a QLineEdit for
options.  The Xming and vcxsrv buttons can be disabled or hidden based
upon what has been installed. I would suggest this to just "Other"
because the Xming and vcxsrv options are identical.  I would really
prefer to not have to configure the vcxsrv command line for each user
but rather use the settings from the session parameters.

Even if we ultimately standardize on vcxsrv, I suggest we still keep the
option to not install it in the installer and the option to use Other in
the client for those who already have a commercial (or future FOSS)
Windows X Server.  At least, that's how we thought it through.  Thanks -

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