* On 03/13/2018 09:13 PM, Manfred Amoureux wrote:
> Now the purpose of this email:
> After tinkering around my x2go server install, it seems I have broken it
> <https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2386633>. I am not here to ask for
> help me fixing it (although, I wouldn't mind) but I have been looking for
> instructions in the x2go wiki
> <https://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/wiki:advanced:start> about where to look for 
> the
> origin of errors (logs, etc ...) and I have not found such page.

Debugging is complicated. We do have a page at

But most of the time there are special circumstances that lead to failure, which
cannot easily be ticked off using a checklist.

Even when it would be, the output is huge and usually needs proper
interpretation. Difficult to do so without knowing or at least looking at the 

> Indeed, I already searched the /var/log/auth.log , but haven't found a clue of
> what's wrong.
> So, I thought there must be some basic steps that one may undertake looking 
> for
> what's wrong (logs to search, command lines to execute and check the result 
> ...)
> but I cannot figure out which ones.

The general syslog, after enabling server debug output, and client debug output
(x2goclient --debug) is more important, but this issue looks a lot like

I've only fixed the screen positioning issue today - nightly builds should
already have that fix.

A workaround is to start x2goclient on your first (normally also primary)
display. Are you starting it on a secondary (non-first) display? If yes, then
it's likely that this is causing the trouble.

> I am willing to help the community by filling some pages in the wiki (so 
> nobody
> will have to bother the mailing list again asking what I am currently asking) 
> -
> I just need to find out how one create an account for the wiki.

You can't. User registration has been disabled due to spam bots creating
accounts and vandalizing pages. Wiki administrators (Heinz, me) can create new
accounts for users.

I typically need an email address (mandatory), a nickname (optional but
preferred, otherwise I'll guess it) and a real name (optional) for registration
and I will create an account accordingly.


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