On 06/29/2014 10:13 AM, Mike Gabriel wrote:

> then I have something delicious for you, as well:

Hi Mike,

This will be quite useful to us when it makes it into the stable version. I have managers who receive multimedia job interviews from prospective employees as embedded YouTube videos on applicant broker sites, where the applicant gives his or her sales pitch for themselves.

Fullscreen HD isn't necessary, as it's a job application and not a Star Wars movie. Good performance on just the standard size YouTube video should be fine for most business use, I should think. But the more efficient the better. I think we pay around 10x more for 10mbit than our employees pay for 55mbit cable in their homes.

It's very nice to see this kind of a push forward in X2GO development. FreeNX was fantastic. But it was at about the same place when I left it as it was so many years ago when I first deployed it.

NX really should be a huge priority for the OSS community. But for years and years, it's remained the greatest killer app that no one knows about. And I've never understood that.

BTW, did you think it was odd that Keith indicated at Debconf that he used ssh -C -X over the WAN and was satisfied with it? I tried bringing up MATE over an ssh connection last night, and ssh -C -X was just as excruciatingly slow as I remembered it being. Keith was the author of the LBX (low bandwidth X) many years ago. And he wrote up the first report I ever read informing us that the real problem with X over a WAN connection isn't bandwidth. It's latency. And he explained about all the round trips. He felt he could eliminate 90% of them, IIRC.

About that time I tried remote X over an external modem so that I could see. It was painful to watch all those requests and responses ping-pong back and forth on the modem lights. I expected Keith to be really excited about NX's solution to that problem.


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