
I had successfully installed, and have been using x2go for some time
(useful software when one has a number of computers to run!). Wanted
to install x2goserver on another machine and was running into a number
of issues. I believe I have been able to unravel the problem enough to
find at least one of the roots of not being able to install even when
following the steps published in the wiki.

My install was failing when I tried to install the apt-key and by lots
of poking and some sideways thinking I have found the issue.

Looking in the system where x2go is working happily in
/etc/apt/trusted/gpg I find that the key is liked with the following

pub   rsa2048 2011-03-10 [SC]
      972F D88F A0BA FB57 8D04  76DF E1F9 5838 5BFE 2B6E
uid           [ unknown] X2go Debian/Ubuntu Packaging <>
sub   rsa2048 2011-03-10 [E]

what is interesting is that of the 12 keys listed (likely not that
many compared to possibilities) the x2go key is only rsa2048 which
might be sufficient but its also listed as 2011-03-10 [E] which I
interpret to mean that the key was generated on the date 2011-03-10
but I'm thinking the [E] means that its expired.

As renewing the key is not something that I can do as a user I am
requesting that someone with the capabilities of modifying the code
might please renew and/or refresh the gnupg key and also inform users
of the new key (I am assuming that the key would change with
renewal/update). Given the rights to do so I would be more than happy
to modify the wiki to reflect that new apt-key code.

Thanking in advance those doing this - - -

(please advise if (including the how) the wiki is to be updated by myself)

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