On Tue, Jun 12, 2018 at 8:44 AM, Paul Borowicz <p...@borowicz.org> wrote:
> Chill dude, reminding people to be polite and managing expectations is a
> good thing.

I didn't have a problem with a reminder to be polite but when someone
is yelling it you
- - - well they deserve to have their ears boxed!

As far as cross posting - - - well I had been subscribed to the dev
list - - - it gets
almost no traffic so thought to post to the user list. I wasn't a
member there when
I sent the first message. Got the automated response that says it will
take direct
intervention for  the message to post. Then I signed up for the user
list and to make sure
that the message would hit the list (listadmins sometimes take weeks
to review stuff
on lists where traffic is low in my experience!) I sent the first
message to the list
directly. Then I spent a fair amount of time and figured out the first
part of the problem
which would take less than 5 minutes for someone on the dev team to
fix (renew the public
key) and thought to send that to both the user and the dev list as
they are two separate
things - - - this message to make things easier - - - - then I get
yelled at for 'cross posting'
and told to take urgent requests with a crap load of $ to the support
team - - - and this
is open source - - - - hmmmmmmmmmm - -- - something is wrong with this picture
and your chiming in to beat on the rather dead horse isn't really
helping anything.

The response from the dev team will show how much they believe in their project.


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