> But I do see it as a problem, which was the point I was 
> trying to make 
> with my Oracle example. 

Ok. Sorry, for the misconception.

> You and Dare are correct that Services tied 
> exclusively to collections are not intuitive and inadequate. 
> Understand 
> though that until I implemented the API on Oracle I'd done 
> two other impls.
>   One for Xindice and the reference impl. Both of those have full 
> hierarchies including a natural root so the problem wasn't 
> apparent.  Now 
> it is obvious.

I can imagine that you didn't see it before. I probably also wouldn't
have since X-Hive also has root collection :)

Anyway, if there is a problem then it has to be solved. I need to think
some more about you suggestions of extending the getService mthod with a
context parameter. I personaly still have bad feeling about tying
services to collections but that's more about intuition than about
arguments (except the one mentioned earlier), so I have to examine it
some more.


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