On Sat, 14 Jun 2008, Gerry Creager wrote:

> N5RED (works with me) has an eee.  I'm trying to convince myself to get one.
> We can experiment, probably, with that platform.

Thanks for that response.  I believe Ren, wa7qfr, has had Xastir
running on the Eee PC already.  I saw him at our saturday brunch
since then but haven't had a chance to see it running on that

Here's the thought process:

1) Decide which platforms to support (See associated thread).
2) Choose a language (for the daemon only) which is supported on
   the above platforms.
3) Choose data persistence layer for daemon which isolates Xastir
   daemon from back-end database (See associated thread).
4) Choose reference database(s) for development/testing.
5) Write/test daemon and CLI config program.
6) Write/test reference GUI clients.  May use entirely different
   language or languages from that used for the daemon.

Xastir Daemon:  Choose a language which has a compiler/interpreter
for each supported platform, preferably free and object-oriented.
This daemon is the hub of the entire system.  It will:

   a) Connect to various databases for data persistence.
   b) Allow connection to remote database, allowing multiple daemons
      to feed one database.
   c) Contain all the interface code for local TNC's and remote
   d) Provide server-port functions for remote clients.
   e) Perform igating.
   f) Perform transmit timing for posits/objects/items.
   g) Run as a daemon/service in the background (no GUI necessary).
   h) Provide connections for Xastir CLI and GUI clients.
   i) Provide security for connections.
   j) Allow multiple GUI clients.  This gives us multiple messaging
      windows, multiple map windows, remote GUI, etc.

Xastir GUI Clients:  Create reference clients which do the major
client functions.  Write these in one language which works across
all or most platforms.  All clients will connect back to the Xastir

   a) Configuration GUI.  Probably a CLI version too.
   b) Message/Bulletin GUI.  CLI version too?
   c) Mapping GUI.

These GUI clients may be replicated using additional languages
and/or on additional platforms.  For instance, we may want Qt
clients, Gtk+ clients, and Darwin clients.

Curt, WE7U.                             archer at eskimo dot com
  Lotto:  A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates. - WE7U.
The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!"
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