When we started a recent project, (not so recent anymore), we needed to use Irish Mapping information. With much help from Tom and Gerry, I was able to convert them into something xastir could use. However, the results were pretty poor, so we (Kristian) ended up doing a GUI from scratch in C++. It builds and runs quite happily on Linux and OSX (We didn't try Leopard actually).

I remember at the time having a discussion with him at the time, what would, in his opinion, be a good way to take an xastir2 implementation (His knowledge wouldn't go as far as the GIS databases, but he did wrestle with co-ordinate conversion and storage), I'll pose it to him again.

Like others have said, I think its the non ANSI STL libraries will bite you.

Also, when I made an attempt to add IPv6 support to xastir, I was only able to get so far, as I would have had to change some internal structures that I wasn't comfortable with changing in order to get the final bit working. As it was I did a quick hack to bypass that code, and had a 'proof' of concept in operation. Id be happy to try again with that. Also I'll find out what parts of our project would be suitable for re-use if any.

de John

On 15 Jun 2008, at 03:53, Curt, WE7U wrote:

On Sat, 14 Jun 2008, Curt, WE7U wrote:

So it looks like we've got two votes for C/C++ so far.  OO would
make things a lot cleaner, so so far C++ is the winner.

I don't have a lot of experience with C++, but it's close enough to
C that I've been able to do some C++ hacking here and there.  I
wouldn't object to going with C++.

Regarding C++, I seem to remember something about problems with
certain libraries from system to system, but those libraries are
things the true-blue C++ guys tend to use a lot of.  STL maybe?  Is
this something we can avoid entirely in order to run on more
platforms or will it be a continual problem?  What about other C++
libraries, are they fairly compatible across platforms?

Curt, WE7U.                             archer at eskimo dot com
  Lotto:  A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates. - WE7U.
The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!"
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John Ronan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, +353-51-302938
Telecommunications Software &  Systems Group,  http://www.tssg.org

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