On Mon, 16 Jun 2008, Tom Hayward wrote:

> I use GCC to compile C for embedded Linux. As long as the ./configure
> supports cross-compiling everything goes smoothly. Some libraries I've
> tried to use don't support the CC flag, so I have to do some makefile
> hacking to get it to work.

I think I mentioned this before, but I've cross-compiled used GCC
for HC11, for AVR's, and for PalmOS, all from Linux.  I did have to
hack Makefiles here and there, and write libraries and startup code
from scratch for some.  Fun, but sucked up a lot of time!

There's no requirement to stick with autoconf.  I find it to be a
serious hack (portable shell scripts?  Yuk!).  I'd rather go with
a newer tool if there's anything viable.  It'd have to be supported
on all the desired platforms or we'd be going backwards instead of
forwards.  Recommendations appreciated.

> I assume some embedded devices will have required features left out of
> the kernel. This may require a kernel recompile, unless xastir can do
> without the feature.

Xastir currently requires pthreads, and will optionally find/use
AX.25 kernel networking.  We don't currently require precision
timing or a Real-Time kernel.  The rest of what we need should be
already in most Linux kernels, even embedded ones.

We'll have to keep to a minimal set as we proceed so that we can run
on Windows and perhaps Windows Mobile devices as well.  Something
like PalmOS might be a stretch as it only allows one user process at
a time, I don't remember if it supports threads for that one
process.  The current Xastir does multi-threading -and-

> Speaking of cell-phones, I'd like to play with the iPhone SDK to see
> what the mapping API is like

Keep us posted!

Curt, WE7U.                             archer at eskimo dot com
  Lotto:  A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates. - WE7U.
The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!"
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