On Sat, 16 Dec 2006, Curt Mills wrote:

> On Sat, 16 Dec 2006, Dan Brown wrote:
> > Install Darwinports
> > sudo port install GraphicsMagick
> > sudo port install db45
> Are GM and libDB are Darwinports versions, so they are in
> "/opt/local/"  ??

Yes. I think. 

> > edit xastir aclocal.m4 to add 45 versions for libdb (ick, who thought
> > libdb was a good idea?)
> What was the change required?  Any way to make it be generic so one
> wouldn't have to edit?

looks like I edited the wrong file... aclocal.m4 gets regenerated with
bootstrap.sh. Should have been acinclude.m4. 

But, this is the line: 

 for dbname in db-4.4 db4.4 db44 db-4.3 db4.3 db43 db-4.2 db4.2 db42 db-4.1 
db4.1 db41 db-4.0 db4.0 db-4 db40 db4 db

which quite clearly has hardcoded version numbers in it. Losing battle.
Need to rewrite it so it doesn't need berkeley, at some point. 

> > re-ran bootstrap.sh 
> > 
> > ./configure  --with-bdb-libdir=/opt/local/lib/db45 \
> >              --with-bdb-incdir=/opt/local/include/db45
> So... If I added a check for /opt/local (and probably /sw) to the
> libdb tests then it could auto-find libdb as well, right?

Sounds right. FWIW, it didn't work when I used just /opt/local/lib for
the --with-bdb-libdir, had to go all the way to the /opt/local/lib/db45,
same for ..-incdir.

> > sudo port install wget 
> > 
> > (need to fix get-maptools.sh to check for existance of wget)
> Or use curl perhaps.  Or use either if installed.

yep. My script just doesn't do any checking.  

> > Fixed tar definition in get-maptools.sh /usr/bin/tar
> 'splain.  Wrong path?

Ya. Had /bin/tar, which works fine under linux and cygwin. There's already
a commented reference to /usr/local/bin/tar right there too. 

> > Shapetools puked (lotsa errors, maybe a libtool issue, seen similar before
> > don't remember how I fixed it)
> Can instead use the internal shapelib these days.

That is how I have it compiled, currently. 

> > libgeotiff puked (unrecognized option -shared)
> For the optional libraries one might check out the config options in
> the scripts/LSB* scripts to see how I got them done.  Wrote that
> stuff recently with the latest packages.  Not all of the configure
> flags will be correct for a non-LSB non-static installation, but
> they're a starting point.

Will check. 
> > xastir started up and appears to be more or less doing its thing.  Am
> > seeing a couple weirdnesses with things like the Interfaces menu.  If I
> > stop an interface, it redraws the window with only the interface I just
> > stopped visible and a scroll bar to the right of that.  Ick.  Maybe a
> > lesstif vs Openmotif thing?  Which was the preferred one these days?
> I prefer OpenMotif, but I've heard of similar problems on either,
> perhaps version dependent.
> > (and, yes, Curt, I'll log bugs, send fixes, post to the wiki, etc.  Wanted
> > to get this written out before it faded away)
> Just trying to see if I can improve "configure" before I forget
> about it and move on to the next thing.

yep. hopefully the feedback will help. 

Dan Brown 

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