On Sat, 16 Dec 2006, N1OFZ wrote:
> Why go through the headaches of building via maptools?  Just install  
> proj, gdal and libgeotiff from Darwinports (or Macports as it's now  
> called) and use the internal shapelib.  I also don't understand the  
> path problem as tar is located in /usr/bin.

I mostly wanted to see if the script I'd written previously, which 
works pretty well under other platforms, would work here too. It sorta
did, but not quite. Shouldn't be impossible to fix. You are right, of 
course, there are good arguements for using the package-managed darwin
ports versions, and I may well go back and do that. 

> > I prefer OpenMotif, but I've heard of similar problems on either,  
> > perhaps version dependent.
> I also prefer OpenMotif and it installs with no problem with  
> Darwinports.  As I outlined earlier today everything built on my  
> MacBook Pro without a hiccup.

It built here too, without issues. 

Dan Brown 

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