Norm, Greetings from the cold north side (-7 deg F). There are two competing/forked packages: ImageMagick and GraphicsMagick. Both packages are meant to be stand-alone, command line "Swiss Army Knife" type of programs for manipulating/massaging/mangling picture files. GraphicsMagick may not do as much as ImageMagick but I can say, at least on my machine, the overhead using GM is far less.
I am running GraphicsMagick on BigBox to assemble the NEXRAD animations that I plan to use for when the severe spring/summer/fall weather comes calling. I take the scan history from the National Weather Service, layer the topo image and legend images with the radar image in the middle. Once those are assembled, I use GraphicsMagick to make an animated GIF out of the processed pix. I am not exactly sure of where the package is used in the processes but either one should work. 73 from 807, Richard, N6NKO --- "Norm, VK3XCI" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I'm a noob, be gentle! > > > A Question for the cognoscenti. (The only dumb > question is one you don't > ask!) > > The solution to not running was the > missing "identify" > routine/program (from ImageMagick) > > I downloaded and installed said ImageMagic and now > all is well! > > the question is... did I need the whole package, or > could the the > routine have been included at compile time... ie > compiled in? I don't > have a great understanding of the compile process. > > Both Xastir and ImageMagick came as binaries from > the Ubuntu > repositories, maybe I should have compiled it > myself? > > > > -- > de VK3XCI > Norm in Mildura, QF15bt > Australia's Wintersun City > _______________________________________________ > Xastir mailing list > > > _______________________________________________ Xastir mailing list