On Feb 6, 2007, at 1:55 AM, Norm, VK3XCI wrote:

I'm a noob, be gentle!

A Question for the cognoscenti. (The only dumb question is one you don't ask!)

The solution to inf2geo.pl not running was the missing "identify" routine/program (from ImageMagick)

I downloaded and installed said ImageMagic and now all is well!

the question is... did I need the whole package, or could the the routine have been included at compile time... ie compiled in? I don't have a great understanding of the compile process.

Both Xastir and ImageMagick came as binaries from the Ubuntu repositories, maybe I should have compiled it myself?

I'm confused here. If you installed the Ubuntu Xastir package it has a dependency on Imagemagick and that should have been installed for you automatically.

Bob, N7XY

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