On Tue, 6 Mar 2007, Peter Maxfield wrote:

> I see a discrepancy in directories which I am not sure about.  Tom uses
> src/XASTIR/xastir in vmplayer but other documentation for Xastir is just
> src/xastir.  I don't know if any of the cvs or updates require a specific
> directory

The directory for the sources doesn't matter.  You can put it
anywhere.  I long ago standardized on one of either
~/src/blah-blah-blah or /home/src/blah-blah-blah for various

You could just as well put it at /xastir or /usr/src/xastir or
whatever you think is the right place.  Xastir doesn't use those
directories while running, so it's just wherever you think a
convenient place would be for the sources.

As far as CVS, it will look for a "CVS" directory below where you
invoke the command.  If not found, it has no clue what to do unless
you specify first the login info and then the checkout info
including the repository on two separate command-lines.  Once you do
that it'll create a "CVS" directory in each checked-out directory
which is where it keeps its bookkeeping information.

> I have created the .cvsrc file, in my "~" (above src)  directory but it does
> not appear to work.  When I try to  perform the cvs -d:pserver:anon.... I
> get a bash: cvs command not found.  Do I have to pull in a working copy
> first?

You need to issue the two commands listed in the README.CVS file, or
listed in the CVS instructions on the Xastir SourceForge project
pages.  Just substitute "xastir" for "module" in the latter

> Even more silly, in reading through, I can't get into the sudoers files, or
> any su operation.  I type in su and put in the password I uses when I
> started ubuntu, but I get an authentication failure.  Is there a default
> password I missed, or did something happen in playing around.

Try "man sudo", "man sudoers", and "man visudo" for more
information.  You'll need to have root access to edit the
/etc/sudoers file, however you gain that on your particular OS.
Xastir's "README.CVS" file talks about setting up the sudoers file.

Curt, WE7U.   APRS Client Comparisons: http://www.eskimo.com/~archer
"Lotto:    A tax on people who are bad at math." -- unknown
"Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates." -- WE7U
"The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!"
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