On Mar 6, 2007, at 5:45 AM, Peter Maxfield wrote:

Hello all,

I have decide to install edgy on my notebook and have scrapped the vmplayer.
It was fun but very tedious and time consuming.

So far I have edgy running well and am getting to the point where I am
bringing in some of the dependencies on the howto "6:10"

I see a discrepancy in directories which I am not sure about. Tom uses src/XASTIR/xastir in vmplayer but other documentation for Xastir is just src/xastir. I don't know if any of the cvs or updates require a specific

I have created the .cvsrc file, in my "~" (above src) directory but it does not appear to work. When I try to perform the cvs - d:pserver:anon.... I get a bash: cvs command not found. Do I have to pull in a working copy

To get back to your question (I didn't see any of the replies address this), you probably are missing the cvs package. A simple "sudo apt- get install cvs" will install it for you.

The name of the directory doesn't matter.  I just use ~/xastir here.

As to using sudo vs a root login, it took me a while to get used to it, but I no longer mind that. It has probably saved my bacon more than once :^)

I have used Slackware, Red Hat and Debian extensively over the past 12 + years (and tried a few more). I am currently running Ubuntu on two machines and OS X (which is based on FreeBSD and also uses sudo) on another. I have been using Xastir for around 8 years.

73 - Bob, N7XY

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