I have a Zaurus C3100, but I've never tried it. PDA Xrom should work, but I had problems with it, especially the sleep modes. The Z kept wanting to reboot on sleep. If you have a bigger Z like a newer C3200, you can run FreeBSD which you may have better luck with. Either way, it would requre the use of Motif and I wouldn't compile Xastiir without Graphics or ImageMagick. You're definatly looking at a lot of work. Currently I'm trying to comple some simple expat libraries for use with a very simple command line app and I'm having a lot of trouble getting them to work.

Ideally WHEN Xastir 2 comes into existance (HINT!!!) The display portion can be broken out into a QT app. There are already some limited QT apps for handling of shapefiles.

Dick Reichenbach - KC8OBZ

William McKeehan wrote:

There are some hand held devices (such as a Palm) that can run some flavor of
Linux, right?

Are there any that are big enough to compile and run Xastir on?

Anyone tried it? Anyone have a recommendation for which hand held device to
investigate for this purpose?

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