On Fri, 2007-05-25 at 12:23 -0400, William McKeehan wrote:
> I had hopes that there was some relatively simple hand held out there that
> could run Linux enough to get Xastir up and going. Looks like I'll have to opt
> for a small Laptop to see it anytime soon.

I bricked mine and haven't found my serial cable for it to reload linux,
but the compaq (now hp) iPAQ's could run a version of gnome, or straight
x11, with motif I believe.

I have a H3670.  You could boot them from an external CF card if you
needed a fuller environment, so I would think Xastir could be made to
run on it.

Maybe I'll have to buy the serial cable off ebay since I can't find mine
and do some experiments.

Ryan, KB0JQO

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