
Thank you for responding.  I applied the patch that you sent, and it didn't 
cure the problem.  The same error still results after make.  It was a very 
clever idea though!  

So, I reupdated from CVS and configure --without-rtree.  Make then finishes, 
and the application runs.

What am I missing without rtree?  Wiklipedia tells me that rtrees are ways of 
indexing spatial data... Seems like most of Xastir would need that!


On Friday, June 08, 2007, at 07:26PM, "Tom Russo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On Fri, Jun 08, 2007 at 02:20:01PM -0700, we recorded a bogon-computron 
>collision of the <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> flavor, containing:
>> Group,
>> I was following the How-to's for Fedora at the Wiki.  I followed most of the 
>> guidelines except used the GUI Package Manager for more of the packages than 
>> the instructions called for.  I only had to install libgeotiff from source 
>> at the command line.  Fedora 7 is brand new - updated to recent packages - 
>> with nothing else except Xastir.
>> The bootstrap and configure go well with no warnings or errors.  The final 
>> report from configure is pasted at the bottom.
>> Now here's the error.  I think this is almost the last step, so I think I'm 
>> SOOO close.
>> Any ideas on what to try?
>None, really.  I remember someone saying they'd seen that error in FC6 or FC7,
>and I tried googling the error message --- but I can't find anything that
>helps me figure out why that's happening.  AFAICT it's only happening
>on that system, I can't reproduce it on any of mine, or I'd possibly be
>able to figure it out.  I have no FC system of any vintage, and insufficient
>time to install FC7 into a VMware virtual machine to do the debugging.
>The error is in the rtree library, so a temporary work-around is to disable
>rtree support (by specifying --without-rtree on the configure line for xastir).
>One fishy thing that I am looking at in the rtree library is that two 
>different files (split_q.h and split_l.h) declare a variable "CoverSplit" as a 
>global variable.  It's possible that these are interfering with each other 
>somehow (why that's not happening with other systems is beyond me, but it 
>might be the explanation).  If it is what's going on, then this *might* fix 
>the problem:
>  edit the file src/rtree/split_q.h and change the line:
>     struct Rect CoverSplit;
>  to 
>     struct Rect qCoverSplit;
>then edit the file src/rtree/split_q.c and change all the instances where
>that variable is used to  qCoversplit, too.  
>To make it easy, I'm attaching a unified diff that will make those two 
>changes.  If this change makes the error messages go away, then I'll commit 
>the change to the repository.  If not, well, it was an attractive straw to 
>grasp at.
>To apply the patch, copy the attached patch file to your src/rtree directory
>and type
>   patch -p0 < splitqdiffs
>it will update both files and then you can recompile.
>Please let me know what happens.
>Tom Russo    KM5VY   SAR502   DM64ux
>Tijeras, NM  QRPL#1592 K2#398  SOC#236 AHTB#1
>"And, isn't sanity really just a one-trick pony anyway? I mean all you get is
> one trick, rational thinking, but when you're good and crazy, oooh, oooh,
> oooh, the sky is the limit!"  --- The Tick
>? splitq.diffs
>? splitqdiffs
>Index: split_q.c
>RCS file: /cvsroot/xastir/xastir/src/rtree/split_q.c,v
>retrieving revision 1.4
>diff -u -u -r1.4 split_q.c
>--- split_q.c  3 Jan 2007 19:38:41 -0000       1.4
>+++ split_q.c  9 Jun 2007 02:22:35 -0000
>@@ -60,12 +60,12 @@
>       BranchCount = MAXKIDS(n) + 1;
>       /* calculate rect containing all in the set */
>-      CoverSplit = BranchBuf[0].rect;
>+      qCoverSplit = BranchBuf[0].rect;
>       for (i=1; i<MAXKIDS(n)+1; i++)
>       {
>-              CoverSplit = RTreeCombineRect(&CoverSplit, &BranchBuf[i].rect);
>+              qCoverSplit = RTreeCombineRect(&qCoverSplit, 
>       }
>-      CoverSplitArea = RTreeRectSphericalVolume(&CoverSplit);
>+      CoverSplitArea = RTreeRectSphericalVolume(&qCoverSplit);
>       RTreeInitNode(n);
> }
>Index: split_q.h
>RCS file: /cvsroot/xastir/xastir/src/rtree/split_q.h,v
>retrieving revision 1.4
>diff -u -u -r1.4 split_q.h
>--- split_q.h  3 Jan 2007 19:38:41 -0000       1.4
>+++ split_q.h  9 Jun 2007 02:22:35 -0000
>@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
> struct Branch BranchBuf[MAXCARD+1];
> int BranchCount;
>-struct Rect CoverSplit;
>+struct Rect qCoverSplit;
> RectReal CoverSplitArea;
> /* variables for finding a partition */
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