Hi Tate and Curt,

I have Xastir working without rtree currently. It does fine except it does take a little while on some redraws.

I tried updating to the developer's codebase to see if it was something unusual in the intermediate releases. I also deleted the files in the rtree directory and having cvs replace them. Alas, nothing has quite worked to fix the rtree problem. I could try wiping the whole Xastir src directory and updating that. It shouldn't work, but who knows?

I've also re-ran the Fedora system updater to see if anything obvious was old or out of date.

Now I did install Shapelib, but it is also included in the Xastir install now? Could that be a problem - i.e. should I try removing Shapelib?

Two other things I've noticed on unrelated topics:
1) There's a ton of .geo radar files out there that simply don't work because they point to a nonexistent web location at NOAA/NWS. I guess NOAA updated their system a while ago (I've been out of aprs for a couple of years.) I was able to relocate the correct file and fix the geo file for my area. The Xastir wiki and readme.maps still points to these download locations with the outdated .geo's.

2) My day job involves working with GIS, so I was using ArcGIS to export a geotiff. I am using PAMAP data, which is beautiful georeferenced RGB color tif files with 1-2 foot resolution. I sure would like one in color, but ArcGIS can only export 24 Bit True color, 8 Bit Palette, or 8 Bit grayscale. Xastir can't interpret the 24 bit color, and the 8 bit palette must create a custom CLUT that Xastir doesn't interpret. In 8 bit palette mode, the data exists, comes through georeferenced perfectly, as I can see the patterns, but the colors are seemingly randomly chosen and assigned.

Thanks again guys for making this great software!  It really is awesome!


On Jun 10, 2007, at 3:34 PM, Tate Belden wrote:

Curt Mills wrote:
On Sat, 9 Jun 2007, Tate Belden wrote:
Do you have the X11-devel packages installed?
Do you have the rtree-devel package installed?
Good guess on rtree, but all the rtree code is inside Xastir
sources, so there are no extra packages to download.  Same case with
the the Shapefile code these days.

Thanks, that's what it was - a guess.

Steve, you got it working yet?

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