Curt, WE7U wrote:
On Thu, 19 Jul 2007, J. Lance Cotton wrote:

There's no possible way that OpenTRAC could interfere with APRS any more
than APRS interferes with other APRS operation.

I disagree with that statement, but only slightly.  There's no way a
"properly coded" APRS program would be bothered by OpenTrac.  Some
of the programs might try to decode packets that used a different
protocol ID than APRS, for instance if they had KISS TNC capability
they might see TCP/IP packets and OpenTrac packets and try to decode
them as APRS.  The program in this case _should_ filter out anything
that's not the APRS protocol ID, but some may not.

Well, I think we ended up doing a little survey and found zero APRS programs that didn't check PID, right? It's hard to remember -- my wife found a gray hair in my head last week!

-Lance KJ5O

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