
I'm new to the list, but older than dirty to APRS... ;-) I helped Steve, KA5MVA with the HamHUD software maintenance for several years, giving him a break for a while. I like to tinker - some would say I'm not very radio-active - that's true, in that I don't do much voice comms. Digital is more to my liking. That's one reason why I program for a living.

Now, on to my problem:

I first installed the VMware xastir version, but had problems with inconsistent map drawing (no maps would be a more accurate description). I'm pretty sure it has to do with DNS issues and NAT. I can open a browser and about every fifth time or so, I can manage to get a web page to not gripe about not finding the server in VMware.

Because my desktop also has a dual-boot to Ubuntu 7.10, I decided to install Xastir on it. I followed the excellent instructions through the minimalist install to the typical install. It seems that all went well. I can bring up Xastir OK, and the maps work correctly, and superbly, I might add.

However, when I set up my station default values, I can't seem to set the primary symbol to a house - it defaults to the secondary symbol of a tornado. Now, some may say that is appropriate once they see my shop! hi hi. I did not have this problem when in the VMware version.

What have I done wrong to cause the symbol setting to not work?

73 - Dale  KG5LT

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