Thanks for the reply, Curt.

On Jan 15, 2008, at 11:47 AM, Curt, WE7U wrote:

On Sat, 12 Jan 2008, Dale Seaburg wrote:

However, when I set up my station default values, I can't seem to set
the primary symbol to a house - it defaults to the secondary symbol
of a tornado.  Now, some may say that is appropriate once they see my
shop! hi hi. I did not have this problem when in the VMware version.

Are you setting the symbol via the buttons or by typing in the

As I recall, I was trying to use the symbol buttons. Also, I think I tried to enter something in the box, but I don't think it let me. Just for grins, I will try what you pointed out later in your reply about the LANG setting. I'll let the list know what I find out. Well, that was quick. The "export LANF=C" took care of the Symbol select problem. Thanks!

What I have done in the meantime is go back to the VMware version. To get around the lazy DNS lookup issues, I open up a copy of FireFox an bring up my home page, followed by a couple of reloads. When I do that it's as if a "channel" is opened that tigermaps can use to get data - magically, the DNS comes alive. Strange. Occasionally, even FireFox will hang on a lazy DNS. I have to do a reload sometimes several times before FireFox "finds" the server.

However, even after fixing the LANG=C issue, I have to spend most of my time in the (un)Real World - Microstupid's XP pro, so VMware will probably have to suffice for now. I have started a new business and I have written my project in C#. Too bad I don't have the time right now to convert to Java. Then, I could make the switch to Linux. Oh well, I digress and drift off-topic. I think I will set the LANG in my .bashrc so it's automatic. Boy, I've been away from Linux for way too long.

Thanks again, Curt for the help.

73 - Dale.  KG5LT

What have I done wrong to cause the symbol setting to not work?

Best guess is that you have your LANG setting in your environment
set to something other than "en_US" or 'C'.  In more recent Linux
distributions they have been converting over to using UTFblah-blah
instead.  The C libraries change how they do things based on the
LANG variable, so some of the input/output routines for reading
files get messed up, including the ones we use for reading/writing
the Xastir config file.

This is what I do when I start Xastir:

    export LANG=C
    xastir -geometry -0-0 &

The first sets the LANG variable and make sure that this shell and
all subshells will get the setting.  The second just starts Xastir
in the background at the same size it was at when I shut it down,
and at the bottom right corner of my screen.

Curt, WE7U: <>     XASTIR: <>
  "Lotto:  A tax on people who are bad at math." -- unknown
"Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates." -- WE7U
The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!

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