As usual i'm late to the party...

@Martijn Kaijser "...This is the same reasons pseudotv was never accepted
because it's not clear to us what the "sponsorship feature" does. Also
asking money for gaining access and calling it "sponsoring" is hypocritical
and misleading."

What are you talking about! Your making wild assumptions AGAIN!. When do I
use the wording "sponsoring"?

I clearly say the login does not provide a service, purchase and is only a
donation... Most of which is a temporary solution to a long term issue that
you've yet to discuses with me. I do not profit from PseudoTV Live!

BTW, Whats the difference between me giving a thank you gift
in comparison to donating $50 bucks to get my name on the Kodi wall @ *cough* hypocritical!!

@rob "Please can you clarify how this differs from "Added Features" in
PseudoTV Live"

What added features? they are tools not features, without donation users
get the same abilities... There are no feature restrictions, that would be

Donations have clear wording... they are not required, not needed and not a
purchase of goods or service. For your donation I give you a thank you!

Honestly if Kodi team members would engage in a conversation with me...
instead of tossing around allegations they can't back... We could have had
a solution months ago. But instead you guys shun, berate and blacklist all
behind a developers back, cowardly! Some community this is!

I've tried to explain my long term goals, my willingness to make changes if
need be and my lack of interest to profit from this plugin, GOT A DAY JOB!

I really hope the trouble makers see a therapist, this community is getting
way to hostile.

On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 11:13 AM, Robert Hudson <> wrote:

> Silence again?
> I have now removed the registration restriction, so everyone will now have
> access to all features, please can you publish the following:
> *addon - script.tvtunes
> *version - 6.0.5
> *url -
> *revision - 68c57f5975685af2b4be624aa9cd49068b8e70e2
> *branch - master
> *xbmc version - Isengard
> Please can you also back out as I
> think that was a bit overboard while I was sitting patiently waiting for
> your reply!
> Thanks
> Rob
> On 16 October 2015 at 16:30, Robert Hudson <> wrote:
>> Hi Martijn,
>> Thanks for detailing your thoughts.  It's good to get a dialog on this, I
>> was really finding it hard to know what to do when I wasn't getting any
>> response to my questions.
>> So based on PSTV, are you OK if I split TvTunes into 2 parts, one part
>> staying in the official repo - the bit that plays all the different
>> themes/screensaver etc
>> Then have a second TvTunes (with a different name) that contains just the
>> "Theme Gatherer" part.  This would reside in my own repo, but would be
>> referenced (in a similar way to PSTV and the current TvTunes) from the
>> forum.
>> The TvTunes in the Official repo would work stand alone, and not
>> reference the "Theme Gatherer".  Would this be OK?
>> Thanks
>> Rob
>> On 16 October 2015 at 16:10, Martijn Kaijser <> wrote:
>>> We just had our devcon where we discussed this with the rest of the team
>>> in person.
>>> Let me put up front there is one HUGE difference between PSTV and
>>> TVTUNES. Yours is in repo and the other isn't.
>>> This is the same reasons pseudotv was never accepted because it's not
>>> clear to us what the "sponsorship feature" does. Also asking money for
>>> gaining access and calling it "sponsoring" is hypocritical and misleading.
>>> regards,
>>> Martijn Kaijser
>>> XBMC Foundation
>>> On 16 October 2015 at 15:50, Robert Hudson <> wrote:
>>>> Hi Ronie,
>>>> I did raise this on the forum and PM'ed you (No response):
>>>> And the only response I got from anyone was a more positive one:
>>>> Please can you clarify how this differs from "Added Features" in
>>>> PseudoTV Live
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Rob
>>>> On 16 October 2015 at 14:44, ronie <> wrote:
>>>>> On 05-10-15 12:07, Robert Hudson wrote:
>>>>>> Additional support for browsing the Music Library:
>>>>>> *addon - script.tvtunes
>>>>>> *version - 6.0.5
>>>>>> *url -
>>>>>> *revision - 22808756cda81c7d1e22b2068a97cffacc91ead8
>>>>>> *branch - master
>>>>>> *xbmc version - Isengard
>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>> Rob
>>>>> hey Rob,
>>>>> i'm afraid we don't allow addons in our repo that require users to pay
>>>>> money to the addon dev
>>>>> in order to unlock certain functionallity.
>>>>> same applies to the forum thread of tv tunes, which violates multiple
>>>>> forum rules:
>>>>> - 2.2.1 Do not try to sell services or hardware to individuals on our
>>>>> forums.
>>>>> - 2.2.3 If you are the author of an original work relating to Kodi,
>>>>> you may include one (1) direct donation link in your forum post concerning
>>>>> this work. The link must be written with this exact wording: "Donations 
>>>>> for
>>>>> this [addon/skin/guide/etc] gratefully accepted."
>>>>> i would appreaciate if you could address those issues.
>>>>> cheers,
>>>>> ronie
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