On 09/11/2015 11:04, "Wei Liu" <wei.l...@citrix.com> wrote:

>On Wed, Nov 04, 2015 at 03:46:59AM -0700, Jan Beulich wrote:
>> >>> On 02.11.15 at 14:47, <wei.l...@citrix.com> wrote:
>> > So I propose we use the following scheme:
>> > 
>> > - 6 months release cycle from unstable branch.
>> >   - 4 months development.
>> >   - 2 months freeze.
>> >   - Eat into next cycle if doesn't release on time.
>> > - Fixed cut-off date: the Fridays of the week in which the last day of
>> >   March and September falls.
>> > - No more freeze exception, but heads-up mails about freeze will be
>> >   sent a few weeks before hand.
>> > - Stable branch maintained for 18 months full support plus 18 months
>> >   security support. No mixed maintainership for stable trees.
>> -1 overall (the different points would get different ratings
>> individually)
>For the record, Jan and I had a conversation on IRC. This -1 was cast on
>-2...+2 scale and he changed it to -0 (against but non-blocking) to fit
>in our governance.

It appears then, that we have a consensus and all stake-holders have
voted. I think in future, it may be good to paste snippets of clarifying
IRC conversation into the mail thread.

I was wondering, whether the dates you marked you proposed in "RFC: change
to 6 months release cycle" (see
ni73+state:results for entire conversation) with release dates at the
beginning of June and December according to the new scheme hold (meaning
that the 4.7 release will follow a 6+2 month cycle or probably more along
the lines of 5.5+2.5), or whether maybe we gradually move to the new
scheme over two releases (4.7 and 4.8 to follow 5+2 and subsequently 4+2).
No strong opinion, just something I'd like to know.

We should probably also write a blog post and update/create information on
the wiki. Am willing to volunteer to put the latter together.


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