On 14/09/18 09:45, Per Oberg wrote:


> Being able to use the same code, without patches or a lot of defines 
> including other files is a very clean way of debugging your software. I often 
> set up Simulations where I use my laptop running or our controller, possibly 
> connected to remote hardware to debug stuff. For these cases  the POSIX skin 
> is very useful.
>>> As noted by Henning, please look at 
>>> https://github.com/nolange/cmake_xenomai,
>>> could use some feedback =).
>>> Particularly look at the patchset which also removes some headaches with 
>>> linking
>>> precompiled object file for bootstrapping (but needs some upstream changes).
>> Norbert, I have followed your emails and your project. You did a good
>> job, but I don't agree with your approach. My points are:
>> - You are trying to convert Xenomai a CMake project and this probably
>> will not happen because Upstream is very happy with the autotools. I
>> don't like to touch anything from upstream. Maybe some patch, but
>> incorporated in Upstream.
> What do you mean with "convert Xenomai a CMake project"? I feel that I am 
> missing something...
> Is it simply that  the "xeno-config" way of doing things isn't cmak-onic 
> enough for a "real" CMake project or is there something deeper?

well, I'm sorry I have been not clear. I'm saying the Norbert is trying to
generate the config files that normally are generating by cmake.

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