On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 03:03:49AM -0800, Meho R. wrote:
> Hi,
> This is question for Vafa: can you explain what is the reason that in .pdf 
> file, created using xelatex+polyglossia with use of arabic as secondary 
> language (the main is latin), bidi is credited as "creator"? I do understand 
> that bidi is used for arabic, but, with due respect, I think it's very unfair 
> to declare it as creator application instead of xe(la)tex.

Isn't it the "bidi-package"?

Petr Tomasek <http://www.etf.cuni.cz/~tomasek>
Jabber: but...@jabbim.cz
SIP: but...@ekiga.net

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