Several years (and a couple versions of xetex) ago, we used xelatex to typeset UTF-8 texts with Bengali text, using the Rupali font. I resurrected the files and re-ran xelatex, but now something very odd is happening: all the Bengali text is coming out as Roman (ASCII, mostly) glyphs in the PDF. The glyphs overlap in odd ways; I'm guessing that the roman glyphs are being typeset according to the width of the Bengali characters (some of which are zero width or do other odd things, like wrap around the preceding character). Also, when I select some text in the PDF and copy and paste it into some other app, I get the Bengali.

The problem does not appear to be with my source file: if I substitute another Bengali font (Lohit Bengali), the Bengali comes out just fine. Specifically, if I replace
   \newfontinstance\bengalifont[Script=Bengali]{Lohit Bengali}
the problem goes away.

I can create a minimal example if that would help, but I thought I'd start with this simple query. Has anyone ever seen anything like this?

XeTeX 3.1415926-2.2-0.9995.2 (TeX Live 2009)
The Rupali font has not changed since the last time we used it successfully; the file is still
   Mike Maxwell
   What good is a universe without somebody around to look at it?
   --Robert Dicke, Princeton physicist

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