On Sep 7, 2010, at 10:36 PM, Will Robertson wrote:

> I'm writing up the syntax of \XeTeXpdffile and \XeTeXpicfile and I'd like 
> someone who knows better than I do to explain the optional argument to 
> \XeTeXpdffile to control the bounding box of the graphic:
>    [ crop | media | bleed | trim | art ]
> Any volunteers? (If these are standard "industry" terms, is there a good 
> reference page to link to, perhaps?)

My thanks to Paul for the link.

I guess I should pitch in something here, since I was the one who argued for 
including all of those options.

Crop, Bleed and Trim are standard printing terms and the usage reflects that. 
Media is used to describe the underlying page size to which one would likely be 
printing the file and art is what one wants people to see.

Supporting all of them is important since in differing circumstances one might 
want to see different things, and having support for all of them creates the 
possibility of using XeTeX as a flat imposition program for making printing 

The Art box in particular is under-used and I wish that the industry was 
standardize on it being used to indicate what should be shown (while other 
things such as design company slugs and signoffs and checkboxes are outside of 
the art box).

> Also, is there a way to access this functionality through \includegraphics?

Not AFAIK, unless it has an option to passing things through.


William Adams
senior graphic designer
Fry Communications
Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.

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