On Wed, Sep 08, 2010 at 12:06:59PM +0930, Will Robertson wrote:

> I'm writing up the syntax of \XeTeXpdffile and \XeTeXpicfile and I'd
> like someone who knows better than I do to explain the optional
> argument to \XeTeXpdffile to control the bounding box of the
> graphic:
>     [ crop | media | bleed | trim | art ]

> Also, is there a way to access this functionality through \includegraphics?

As maintainer for pdftex.def I have done in the new version v0.05a:

| Update from v0.04r to v0.05a:
| * New options for PDF images:
|   * pagebox=(media|crop|bleed|trim|art)box
| * New options for bitmap images:
|    Details, see PDF specification and ChangeLog.
|   * interpolate=(true|false)
|   * decodearray=...
|   * maskarray=...
|   * intent=...
| * New options for bitmap and PDF images:
|   * ocobjnum=<positive integer>
|   * ocobjref=<object reference>
|   Both options specify an optional content dictionary
|   as object reference, see PDF specification and
|   ChangeLog.

Who are the maintainers of xetex.def? Can they add the option `pagebox'
as well?

Yours sincerely
  Heiko Oberdiek

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