David Cottenden wrote:
> Sorry if I missed this in the manual, but is it possible to use fontspec
> to map most unicode characters to one font, and some to another? In
> particular, my intended use is that I prefer the Latin characters in
> Adobe Garamond Pro to those in Myriad Pro, but the latter has Greek
> support whilst the former does not, and they're similar enough that with
> the odd Greek character (which is all I use!) they are pretty
> stylistically compatible. Is it possible to set things up so that Greek
> appears in Minion and Latin (and everything else) appears in Garamond?
> (I only ask the question since something like this is possible in
> unicode-math, IIRC.)

The fontwrap package can do this in PerlTeX. I still tend to use the
command sequences from Polyglossia when switching between scripts/languages.


Gareth Hughes
Doctoral candidate in Syriac studies

Department of Eastern Christianity
Oriental Institute
Pusey Lane

+44 (0)1865 275134

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