David, Gareth,

Sorry if I missed this in the manual, but is it possible to use fontspec
to map most unicode characters to one font, and some to another? In
particular, my intended use is that I prefer the Latin characters in
Adobe Garamond Pro to those in Myriad Pro, but the latter has Greek
support whilst the former does not, and they're similar enough that with
the odd Greek character (which is all I use!) they are pretty
stylistically compatible. Is it possible to set things up so that Greek
appears in Minion and Latin (and everything else) appears in Garamond?

(I only ask the question since something like this is possible in
unicode-math, IIRC.)
The fontwrap package can do this in PerlTeX. I still tend to use the
command sequences from Polyglossia when switching between scripts/languages.

A better route is to use xetex's interchartoks. I always had the idea to rewrite fontwrap as a fontspec-using xetex package instead, and the "ucharclasses" package is still sitting in my homedir waiting to befinished >_>

I did an explanation on how to do this in an older thread titled "How to use intercharclasses (was "Issue with CJK in pdf build")", http://tug.org/mailman/htdig/xetex/2009-November/014853.html

- Mike "Pomax" Kamermans

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