
Tobias bist du des Wahnsinns!! (Sorry, Tobias way over-board here)

I hate to say this nobody actually needs TeX&Co Nowadays. (See my next post)
Not to say that they are the better system for doing things.

TeX et al is for typesetting, layout and publishing that is its sole
purpose! It was designed when you could not do alot of things with
a computer easily.

The content of a TeX-document is irrelevant. 

As far a structuralism is concerned, it is a obsolete concept in this 
modern world. Though, I agree that logic and good problem sovling
skills are important and are not hardly taught anymore. 

regards (MfG)
Am 30.09.2010 um 09:36 schrieb Tobias Schoel:

> Hi,
> there are three kinds of people who should learn TeX&Co:
> - those who absolutely need TeX, because no other system let's them produce 
> the documents they have to (all this linguistis and co. [don't take offense, 
> I have no idea of the professions around this topic])
> - those who can use other systems but who would have an enourmous advantage 
> in time and effort using TeX (mathematicians, other scientist, typographers 
> of some kind [see above], ...)
> and now the important part
> - those who should think structurally (does this word exist?), when creating 
> a text document. and that's nearly everybody who creates a text document 
> other than a greeting or similar.
> To state it clearly:
> Every high school student, who wants to continue to university (in Germany: 
> jeder Gymnasialschüler) should learn TeX&Co. in order to _think_ 
> _structurally_.
> It's not about programming vs. using. (I myself don't do anything plain TeX. 
> I use packages and create new commands only as placeholders.) It's about the 
> order in which to create a document:
> 1. content
> 2. structure
> 3. revise 1&2
> 4. layout
> MS Word&Co. proposes another order:
> 1. content and layout mixed.
> 2. structure
> 3. revision (nearly impossible for large documents if its harder than using 
> replace)
> Btw: Is the table of contents in word still created from layout forms?
> bye Toscho
> PS: The high school, where I teach (better: learn teaching) will begin to 
> teach LaTeX to the grade-10-students of its STEM-branch.

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