NMPOST7 <nmpo...@gmail.com> writes:

> On 01/12/2013 10:14, Marco Pessotto wrote:
>> I'd suggest my perl module https://metacpan.org/release/PDF-Imposition
>> (to be installed, e.g., with "cpanm PDF::Imposition" or equivalent
> Thank you Marco. In LaTeX I generate a4 portrait format documents. However, 
> as I
> need the document in book form (or booklet form), I need to get the document
> into landscape format. The scrip I attached does exactly that.

Well, now I'm confused. Why don't you produce the document in its real
dimension (a5paper option) and then assemble it with the needed
imposition? It gives you much more control about output dimensions.

> Thank you for the link, I shall download it. I have never installed a perl
> package. Hope the package has a documentation about installing

It's a standard perl package. Nowadays people use cpanminus. AFAIK, this
should work out of the box (assuming you have sudo).

curl -L http://cpanmin.us | perl - --sudo PDF::Imposition

But I guess we're terribly out of topic here about installation of perl
modules (nothing that a google search can't fix, though).

Best wishes.


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