
You don't mention which version of XFree86 v4.x you are running.

That's a big missing piece. Maybe try one of the latest snapshots or
at least 4.2.0.


On Fri, Feb 21, 2003 at 07:45:18PM -0500, Neal Murphy wrote:
> [This is the third time I've tried to subscribe. Last two times, the
> subscribe emails were returned as 'undeliverable' - seems the host I
> was using could not send the email, so I'm trying my ISP's servers now,
> slow as they are.]
> Howdy!
> I've a question about running XFree86 v4 on a Starmax using an 8MB MMII
> that was originally intended for use in a PC.
> I re-flashed the card with a PPC BIOS. MacOS 9 is quite happy to use
> the card now. Openfirmware gladly uses it, too. Debian 3 uses the card
> just fine in text mode.
> However, when running X, the displayed image (root image) is shifted down
> about 16 scan lines, leaving a green-and-black multi-checkerboard at the top.
> The hardware mouse cursor is positioned correctly, but since the image
> displayed is shifted down 16 pixels or so, the registration is wrong. I also
> lose the bottom 16 or so lines of the display.
> I've tried everything I know to try to work around this. Is this a programming
> bug? Is it referencing the card's memory wrong? Any ideas on 'correcting'
> the problem?
> Clearly, I could go buy a Mac-specific video card, but since MacOS happily
> uses this card, I should think XFree86 would, too.
> Thanks,
> Neal
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