On Mon, 10 Mar 2003, Neal Murphy wrote:

> Also, the MGA driver (correctly?) recognizes that it can't run acceleration
> on the MMII, but then usually hangs the system, whereas if I specify
> NoAccel, it starts up, most often with the afore-mentioned problems.

??? The MMII should have no problem with 2D acceleration, which is what 
NoAccel turns off. XFree86 doesn't do 3D (DRI) accel on the MMII, which
might be what it is saying. I disable it with
        Option  "DRI" "false"

> I'd try Matrox's drivers, but they're only compiled for Intel (at least
> I haven't seen any PPC versions). And I'm not sure I have the patience
> to compile the kernel and all of X, then figure out where Matrox's
> source is supposed to go to be compiled, then compile all of X yet again
> all on this slow-ish 200MHz, 96MB Starmax...
> If it matters at all, I'm running Debian's 2.2.20-pmac kernel. I've tried
> their 2.4.19 kernel, but that one always boots up using the on-board
> video, even though OF tells it to use the MMII.
> Again, MacOS 9.x uses the MMII just fine.
> Any suggestions? Perhaps I'm too persistent and should simple drop the
> MMII into the circular file as 'not very well supported' and buy a new
> card that *is* well supported? Dump the Starmax and get a real computer?
> Thoughts?
> Thanks,
> Fest3er
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