On Wed, 26 Feb 2003, Dr Andrew C Aitchison wrote:
> On Wed, 26 Feb 2003, Peter Berg Larsen wrote:

>> This seems to happen because X is set to use a mouse repeater (that
>> does not respond to commands), combined with that X resets the mouse
>> when swithing to X from the console. 

>I have the same long freeze, but am not, as far as I am aware, using a 
>repeater. I do have two mice, which doubles the delay.

My point was that because the repeater do not respond to commands I am
waiting for a lot of timeouts, which is worsen because of retries.
(Replaced with a real mouse lowers the freeze to about 2 seconds). Though,
it seems that X is doing a lot other stuff when switching back to X, so
some of these might also prolong the freeze in your case. (or slow mice,
some need calibrationtime after a reset in the area of 7500000 msec)

>> Why reset the mouse when switching to X in the first place ? How
>> can it be turned off? (It can't if I have read the code correct, so the
>> actual question is whether it is to late to do anything about it)

>It isn't so much turning it off, but while the X server is switched
>away, something else may have put the mouse into some other state;
>eg most wheel mice can speak either PS/2 or IMPS/2.

Okay, so how do I tell X that the mouse is not changing state, and even if
it did, X could not do anything about it? It seems easy to just add an
option for the mousedriver to skip initialisations, but there might be
some obvious "fix" I a havent found, because I have only looked at
mouse* code. So would it be to late to send a patch for that? 


ps. Please cc me.

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