Dr Andrew C Aitchison writes:
 > On Wed, 26 Feb 2003, Peter Berg Larsen wrote:
 > > I am currently using RC2 (upgraded yesterday from 4.2.1) and is irritated
 > > by a 8-9 second freeze of X when switching to X from the console. This
 > > seems to happen because X is set to use a mouse repeater (that does not
 > > respond to commands), combined with that X resets the mouse when swithing
 > > to X from the console. This (long) freeze did not happen in 4.2.1, but
 > > probably changed with these:
 > I have the same long freeze, but am not, as far as I am aware, using a 
 > repeater. I do have two mice, which doubles the delay.

Could you please verify this? You just need to check where the mouse
device points to.
Real mice really should not have much delay. If you delay is really
long you should edit pnp.c in the xfree86/input/mouse directory
and add a 
#define DEBUG
to the file. Please send me the log file.

 > > Why reset the mouse when switching to X in the first place ? How
 > > can it be turned off? (It can't if I have read the code correct, so the
 > > actual question is whether it is to late to do anything about it)
 > It isn't so much turning it off, but while the X server is switched
 > away, something else may have put the mouse into some other state;
 > eg most wheel mice can speak either PS/2 or IMPS/2.

Yes. Many ugly things can happen while switched away.
We could lower the retry count which should shorten the
timeout. Corrently it is 10.

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