Josh Brooks wrote (in a message from Tuesday 25)
 > Thank you very much.  My strategy now will be:
 > tar xzvf (xfree86 tarball)
 > cd xc
 > make World
 > cd xc/programs/ ... /drivers/neomagic
 > xmkmf ../../../../../.. programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/drivers/neomagic
 > make includes
 > make depend
 > make
 > make install
 > Am I on the right track now with this strategy ?
Yes. If you don't want to change anything to the source of the
neomagic driver, then  make  World will already build the driver. 
If you want to apply your patch again, you can do it after the make
World stage, so that you can keep both neomagic_drv.o files around to
compare their behaviuour. 

 > Will the final `make install` put the new hacked up neomagic driver into
 > my existing X installation (that I had even before I untarred the X
 > source) or should I maybe copy it in by hand and skip the `make install` ?
Make install in ...hw/xfree86/drivers/neomagic will only copy the
neomagic_drv.o file and the manpage in your existing /usr/X11R6. You
can do it by hand if you prefer (and want to back up the existing
files first). 

Re-reading your original mail I see that you're trying to install a
4.3.0 driver in a 4.1.0 installation. This may not work. Perhaps you
should upgrade the whole server and modules. 

I sometimes do that on existing linux installations where I don't want
to replace too many thngs using the followin procedure (using
/tmp/dest as a temporary staging dir):

cd xc
make World
# install to tmp dir
mkdir /tmp/dest
make install DESTDIR=/tmp/dest
#  back up existing server and modules
mv /usr/X11R6/bin/XFree86 /usr/X11R6/bin/XFree86.bak
mv /usr/X11R6/lib/modules /usr/X11R6/lib/modules.bak
# copy X server and modules from tmp dir 
cd /tmp/dest
tar cSf - usr/X11R6/bin/XFree86 usr/X11R6/lib/modules | (cd / ; tar xpf - )
# remove tmp dir 
rm -rf /tmp/dest

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