Not advocating change, just criticizing something that essentially
creates unnecessary traffic, like your criticism?

On Friday, July 11, 2003, at 12:30 AM, Jay R. Ashworth wrote:

On Fri, Jul 11, 2003 at 01:33:10AM -0400, Mike A. Harris wrote:

As such, it is extremely pointless to demand that a given list
should change it's policy on this issue, regardless of what
datapoints you'd like to raise.  You won't raise even a single
datapoint that the list maintainers, and the majority of
subscribers are not already fully 100% aware of.  They just
disagree with you, and are not likely to change their line of
thinking no matter how much you disagree or how big of a flamewar
you'd like to make about it.  The best you can do, is agree to
disagree and then move on to another topic - or unsubscribe.

Pretty sure that I did *not* advocate *this list* changing anything, Mike.

Go re-check the thread.

Was merely expressing an opinion.

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