1. From day 1, the xHarbour Developers page, included this:

You may review the complete list of the Harbour Developers on SourceForge at 
http://sourceforge.net/project/memberlist.php?group_id=33773 and on the 
Harbour Project web site at http://www.harbour-project.org/crew.htm.

We should all appreciate their immense contributions, and appreciate the
SCOPE of this project.

2. ChangeLog entries of the commercial distribution, are cut & paste from 
the .ORG ChangeLog entries. It's childish and misleading to even mention it. 
Surely every objective person knows that Patrick did NOT manipulated any 
entry to exclude Victor's (or any one else's) name.

3. For many years when the Harbour project was completely dormant, 
practically all commits were borrowed from my work, or other xHarbour 
developers,  and I vividly remember how frustrating it was having to ask for 
due credit, and seeing it falling on death ears.

4. Additionally, much of my work was borrowed, with just enough 
modifications (f.e. renaming of API I introduced in fastapi.c) only to avoid 
giving me or xHarbour due credit. What makes that worse, is that even 
COMPATIBILITY was sacrificed only to avoid mention of xHarbour.

F.e. I'd love to hear what was the critical reasoning to introduce:


instead of borrowing xHarbour's:


and giving credit due?

There are dozens of such xHarbour based additions, that were introduced to 
Harbour with  different names or semantics, only to avoid due credit, or 
even a mention of xHarbour.

I spent many years withOUT these childish arguments, and hope it will take 
few more years before I'm forced into such silly bickering, yet again.

On my part, I did NOT know that Miguel borrowed that code from Harbour. In 
the past I noticed number of Miguel's commit crediting Przemek. I regret 
such due omission and I ask xHarbour developers to be EXTRA careful to never 
neglect due credit to any external source.


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