
Thank you for your interests in XiangShan. You can try the nanhu branch for NANHU v1 and southlake branch for NANHU v2 (with DFT support but smaller caches).

Nanhu-v2 branch is not used any more. We will clean it up to avoid confusions. 

Yinan Xu
---- Replied Message ----
FromTariq Kurd<tariq.k...@codasip.com>
Date01/10/2024 18:33
SubjectGetting started with NanHu

I'd like to try out the NanHu core.
Should I check out this branch: https://github.com/OpenXiangShan/XiangShan/tree/nanhu

what's the best place to start from, I'd like to analyse the design


Tariq Kurd

Tariq Kurd
Lead IP Architect
Codasip Design Center Bristol, United Kingdom
→ www.codasip.com

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